
Leaving No One Behind Image

Leaving No One Behind

Discussion Paper
The paper aims to provide decision makers and experts with tangible findings and insights on which segments of the population in Israel might be negatively impacted by a carbon pricing reform. How can the socially unbalanced outcomes be addressed during the planning process?
Accelerating Cleantech Commercialization in Israel

Accelerating the Commercialization of Cleantech in Israel

Discussion Paper
In Israel various sustainable technologies are invented, only few break through - reflecting a common problem: getting cleantech from the lab to the market.                                                                                                              

Pricing carbon

Both in Germany and internationally, the debate on the pricing of greenhouse gas emissions is experiencing a renaissance. However, an enlightened and realistic discussion of ways and means is needed so that CO2 pricing instruments can play a stronger role in climate policy. In this study, climate and energy expert Felix Chr. Matthes of the Öko-Institut examines the relevant elements of a CO2 pricing strategy. He gives an overview of design criteria and mechanisms of action.