
Dear Readers:

Publications from the Heinrich Böll Foundation Israel office are available on the website in digital form only. Download our PDFs and enjoy! In case you are interested in print publications please stop by at the office or contact us in any and every possible way.

-Your Team at Heinrich Böll

Environment and Sustainability

Green Jobs and Just Transition

Discussion Paper
This paper explores the potential of green employment as a key pillar of the just transition, advocating for a holistic approach that not only accelerates the transition to a green economy but also ensures that this transition is inclusive, just, and beneficial for all.
For other publications in this topic please click here
Gender and Democracy
Eritrean refugees protest against the dictatorial regime of Isaias Afwerki is Israel, 2012

Nothing Will Ever Be Enough

Focusing on Israeli authorities' handling of asylum requests of Eritrean citizens, this paper follows previous reports issued in recent years on the subject. The report is based on in-depth analysis of dozens of asylum applications rejected during 2022, and includes related policy recommendations.
For other publications in this topic please click here
Foreign and regional security policy
In search for the center - Cover Picture

In Search of the Center

What does Centrist Politics in Israel mean? Can a centrist party be a leading force in the country in the long term? To answer these questions, the notion of political centrism in Israel is examined: Who are the people who consider themselves centrist, and what do the parties they support stand for?
(Im)possible Alliance Image Cover

(Im)possible Alliance

This essay focuses on the changing relationship between the Palestinian-Arab minority and the Zionist left since Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination. Additionally, suggestions are made about how to advance an effective alliance that promotes Jewish-Arab partnership and strengthens Israel’s democracy.
For other publications in this topic please click here
German-Israeli Dialogue
Leaving No One Behind Image

Leaving No One Behind

Discussion Paper
The paper aims to provide decision makers and experts with tangible findings and insights on which segments of the population in Israel might be negatively impacted by a carbon pricing reform. How can the socially unbalanced outcomes be addressed during the planning process?

Making Smart Mobility Sustainable

Discussion Paper
Smart and shared mobility options are emerging as potential sustainable solutions for climate change. Proponents argue they offer a blend of green benefits, convenience, and business opportunities, while critics worry they may actually increase greenhouse gas emissions. This paper assesses the environmental impacts of various shared mobility models and explores how they can be optimized for low-carbon mobility.
For other publications in this topic please click here