Dr. Diana Süsser is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Energy Transition Dynamics group at IASS. Her research focus lies on effective strategies and policy design enabling innovation and entrepreneurship in sustainable, low-carbon technologies in Israel and Germany.
Diana is a sustainability expert and energy transition researcher. She holds a Dr.rer.nat./PhD in Geography. Her doctoral thesis investigated community-based renewable-energy transition within the Regional Climate Change project at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany. She studied environmental science (B.Sc.) at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, and the Kingston University London, UK, and integrated climate system science (M.Sc.) at the University of Hamburg, Germany, with a strong focus on sustainability science.
Before joining IASS, Diana was a fellow at the Israel Public Policy Institute, where she did research on effective policy design to support innovations in green technologies. Previously, she worked as a project manager for sustainable and low carbon business at WWF Germany within the climate innovation project ‘Towards an <2° economy', and as part of the climate innovation and entrepreneurship think-tank Climate-KIC.
e-mail: diana.suesser@iass-potsdam.de