Decentralizing energy grids is a crucial step in the transformation towards sustainable energy markets. This paper discusses regulatory frameworks in Europe and the US as examples for energy sharing projects.
The paper aims to provide decision makers and experts with tangible findings and insights on which segments of the population in Israel might be negatively impacted by a carbon pricing reform. How can the socially unbalanced outcomes be addressed during the planning process?
Smart and shared mobility options are emerging as potential sustainable solutions for climate change. Proponents argue they offer a blend of green benefits, convenience, and business opportunities, while critics worry they may actually increase greenhouse gas emissions. This paper assesses the environmental impacts of various shared mobility models and explores how they can be optimized for low-carbon mobility.
An overview of over 20 good practice examples of national climate laws which can serve as a guide for governments in the process of (re-)designing their own climate governance system.
Cities as a Sink for Innovation and Decarbonization in Germany and Israel. How are decarbonization and innovation coupled in both countries, and what does their nexus bring with it?
Sustainable Urban Development: How can big data and AI methods in smart mobility best be managed to deliver desirable goals whilst also managing risks?