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Meat Atlas 2021

There is hardly any other food that pollutes our environment and the climate as badly as meat. However, no government in the world currently has a concept of how meat consumption and production can be significantly reduced. But if the sector continues to grow as it has up to now, almost 360 million tons of meat will be produced and consumed worldwide in 2030. With ecological effects that are hard to imagine.
Telling Facts from Fakes cover

Telling Facts from Fakes

Policy Paper
Israel is famous for scientific research and technological innovation. However, when it comes to science communications, Israel is behind other countries. The COVID-19 pandemic additionally exposed a confidence crisis between the public and the scientific community. How can we bolster public trust in science and effectively battle the infodemic?
Battling Misinformation with Science cover

Battling Misinformation with Science

Policy Paper
Misinformation and conspiracy myths pose a huge challenge to science and science communication as well as to an effective tackling of a global health crisis. This paper takes a closer look at the German response to the pandemic with a focus on trust in science, government’s measures and the spread of conspiracy myths.
Contact Tracing Technologies in Israel

Eroding Trust

Research Paper
Contract tracing technologies – helpful tools for combatting COVID-19 or serious threats to privacy? An analysis of two contact tracing technologies in Israel

Women and Environmental Health

We are happy to present a groundbreaking report on Women and Environmental Health in Israel written by our partner Ella Nave of the Coaloition of Public Health