New Economy of Nature
From climate change to ecosystem degradation – the solution to these problems could re-side in an economic “valuation” of nature and its services. But if the existential benefits that nature provides to humankind are expressed in terms of Euros and Dollars, can that really give nature any better protection?
The publication “New Economy of Nature” by Thomas Fatheuer provides a readily understandable introduction to the subject and illuminates the concepts and instruments that follow from the idea of monetarizing nature. Accessible examples show the social and eco-logical goal conflicts and the powerful but risk-laden influence of this New Economy.
Product details
Table of contents
7 Foreword
9 The Context of the Debate, or: In Search of a Game Changer
13 Insights into the History of a Difficult Relationship: Economics and Nature
27 The New Economy of Nature – Fields of Action
61 Illusions, Wrong Turns and Alternatives – Concluding Remarks