40 Years of the German Privacy Movement Published: 25 November 2020 Research Paper Why is there so much awareness for data protection in Germany? Insights into 40 years of privacy movement and the strength of the German privacy movement. By Rena Tangens
German and Israeli Cities at the Intersection of Tech Innovation and Decarbonization: Trends and Challenges Published: 19 November 2020 Policy Paper Cities as a Sink for Innovation and Decarbonization in Germany and Israel. How are decarbonization and innovation coupled in both countries, and what does their nexus bring with it? By Ira Shefer
Climate Action Takes Shape in Israel Published: 12 August 2019 Fellow Spotlight As a Visiting Research Fellow at the IASS Potsdam, David Dunetz has researched how civic engagement and participation processes can advance climate policy and democratic innovation.
German-Israeli Perspectives on Utopia Published: 28 November 2017 Between the 4th and 6th of December 2017, a group of authors from Israel and Germany will be gathering for the first major event after the opening of the Utopia Festival. During a closed workshop, the authors from both countries will lead a discussion on the theme of utopia / dystopia. Afterwards we invite the audience to two public podium discussions in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to get to know the authors, to ask questions and participate in the discussion.
Israels NGO-Gesetz: “Es ist unvorstellbar, dass Israel sich wie Putin oder Erdogan verhält” Published: 13 July 2017 Nachdem Israels Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu seine Absicht bekräftigt hat, die Vorschriften für die Finanzierung israelischer NGOs durch ausländische Geldgeber zu verschärfen, warnt Ralf Fücks, Präsident der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, vor einem solchen Schritt. „Das wird eine rote Linie sein, es ist wichtig, dass Israel eine Demokratie bleibt“, sagte Fücks im Gespräch mit Walla! NEWS während seines Besuchs in Israel.
Weshalb deutsch-israelische Literaturtage? Published: 6 November 2016 Die deutsch-israelischen Literaturtage sollen die Entwicklung von Kultur und Politik beider Länder im Spiegel der Literatur reflektieren. By Ralf Fücks
Two States - One State - No State? Published: 5 January 2016 In the past few weeks Israelis and Palestinians are facing increased violence. What are the reasons behind this new round of escalation? Have a look at the short movie from our latest discussion.
A Progressive Response to BDS Published: 13 December 2015 Those convinced that Israel should not have been created in the first place, are entitled to their opinion. They must come clean about seeking a post-Israel endgame. An essay by Prof. Dan Rabinowitz
"Jerusalem - the Core of the Conflict" Summary Published: 24 June 2015 A summary of our last Jerusalem Talks on the topic of "Jerusalem: the Core of the Conflict" from the Palestine-Israel Journal By Charlie Elkins
"Jerusalem: The Core of the Conflict" Opening Speach Published: 22 June 2015 "Since the Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem following the Six-Day-War of 1967, together with Moshe Dayan’s declaration that Israel will never again leave Jerusalem, the city has not known quiet.Since the Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem following the Six-Day-War of 1967, together with Moshe Dayan’s declaration that Israel will never again leave Jerusalem, the city has not known quiet". Read our director Kerstin Mueller opening speach on our latest Jerusalem Talks.