Environment & Sustainability

Leaving No One Behind Image

Leaving No One Behind

Published: 7 March 2021
Discussion Paper
The paper aims to provide decision makers and experts with tangible findings and insights on which segments of the population in Israel might be negatively impacted by a carbon pricing reform. How can the socially unbalanced outcomes be addressed during the planning process?

Making Smart Mobility Sustainable

Published: 7 March 2021
Discussion Paper
Smart and shared mobility options are emerging as potential sustainable solutions for climate change. Proponents argue they offer a blend of green benefits, convenience, and business opportunities, while critics worry they may actually increase greenhouse gas emissions. This paper assesses the environmental impacts of various shared mobility models and explores how they can be optimized for low-carbon mobility.
Climate Justice and Migratio

Climate Justice and Migration

Published: 7 December 2020
The publication offers perspectives on the complex relationships between climate change and migration and questions pessimistic basic assumptions on security issues and supposedly necessary (market-oriented) adaptation measures, which currently predominate in the political debates on the topic.
Carbon Pricing

Pricing carbon

Published: 23 September 2020
Both in Germany and internationally, the debate on the pricing of greenhouse gas emissions is experiencing a renaissance. However, an enlightened and realistic discussion of ways and means is needed so that CO2 pricing instruments can play a stronger role in climate policy. In this study, climate and energy expert Felix Chr. Matthes of the Öko-Institut examines the relevant elements of a CO2 pricing strategy. He gives an overview of design criteria and mechanisms of action.  
Worlf of Plastic.PNG

A World of Plastic

Published: 8 July 2020
Plastic Atlas
What’s the connection between the oil industry, climate change and plastic? How does plastic impact women’s health? Why can’t recycling solve the problem with plastic?

Multi-Sector Partnership Principles

Published: 1 February 2017
Research Paper
In 2015, The Heinrich Boell Foundation initiated a cooperation with the Heschel Center for Sustainability called, "Stepping Up Sustainability in Israeli Cities" with the aim of creating a "think and do" platform for cities, businesses and civil society that would work together to advance municipal sustainability goals. 

הזמנה לאירוע על צמיחה חכמה

Published: 22 November 2015
The Heinrich Böll Foundation is pleased to invite you to a special event on the topic of The New Economy: Toward Smart Growth and Environmental Innovation. The event will include a keynote by the foundation’s President, Mr. Ralf Fücks, as well as other very interesting guests.

Powering up against poverty: Why renewable energy is the future

Published: 3 August 2015
As we approach the critical climate talks in Paris later this year, there are some good reasons to feel hopeful and upbeat. From the tiniest nations of the Pacific to a giant like China, developing countries are demonstrating that reducing poverty and tackling climate change can, and indeed must, go hand in hand (from Oxfam Australia).