Environmental Policy

Pricing carbon

Both in Germany and internationally, the debate on the pricing of greenhouse gas emissions is experiencing a renaissance. However, an enlightened and realistic discussion of ways and means is needed so that CO2 pricing instruments can play a stronger role in climate policy. In this study, climate and energy expert Felix Chr. Matthes of the Öko-Institut examines the relevant elements of a CO2 pricing strategy. He gives an overview of design criteria and mechanisms of action.  
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A World of Plastic

Plastic Atlas
What’s the connection between the oil industry, climate change and plastic? How does plastic impact women’s health? Why can’t recycling solve the problem with plastic?

Soil Atlas: Facts and figures about earth, land and fields

Through misuse, we lose 24 billion tonnes of fertile soil every year. For the International Year of Soils in 2015, this Atlas shows, why the soil should concern us all. Jointly published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies

The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2014

“What will be the impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the global nuclear industry?” This is a question been asked many times since March 11, 2011. The answer is, of course, “no one really knows.” Nonetheless, it is an unavoidable question that needs to be explored. More than three years later, we hear both positive and negative views on the future of nuclear industry. But, many of those voices are mostly based on “wishful thinking” and not necessarily the result of detailed analysis of the current situation. Without deeper understanding of what happened in the past and of what is happening now, a wise decision for the future action cannot be made. The World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) 2014 is a perfect reference for that purpose.