Environment and Sustainability

New Economy of Nature

From climate change to ecosystem degradation – the solution to these problems could re-side in an economic “valuation” of nature and its services. But can that really give nature any better protection? This publication provides a readily understandable introduction to the subject and illuminates the concepts and instruments that follow from the idea of valuing nature.

On the Value of Nature

The value of nature and its “services” should not only be cherished and given greater visibility as elements of the economy, but should be assigned a monetary value in order to protect them. That is the new mantra. Although the idea is becoming more popular it is also highly contentious, argues Barbara Unmüßig.

Economics of Tomorrow

The Heinrich Böll Foundation Israel, Life & Environment and the Forum for Economics of Tomorrow proudly present the revised, second edition of the study "Economics of Tomorrow - Green Policy for Economic Resilience". A comprehensive and holistic program to create a sustainable economy, achieve social justice and combat climate change in Israel. This Hebrew document includes executive summaries in English and Arabic

Zero Carbon Israel

Can Israel minimize its energy sector’s carbon footprint and reduce environmental pollution? Can renewable sources provide sufficient energy? The goal of this study is to provide in depth answers to these questions, and to present an achievable vision for the country’s future energy sector.

Women and Environmental Health

We are happy to present a groundbreaking report on Women and Environmental Health in Israel written by our partner Ella Nave of the Coaloition of Public Health