Lena Frischlich is the principal investigator of the junior research group Demo RESIL digital– Democratic Resilience in Times of Online Propaganda, Fake News, Fear and Hate Speech” at the University of Münster, Germany, and currently works as an interim professor for Communication Science with a special focus on media change at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. In her research, she studies the impact of media change and technological innovations with a special focus on the emergence of opportunity structures for manipulation-oriented communication such as extremist propaganda, disinformation, and hate speech, and how resilience against such manipulation attempts can be fostered. Lena has been (co-) principal investigator on multiple third party funding projects including “Propaganda 2.0”(2011–2013) and “Counter-Narratives?” (2014–2016). Her work has been published in the central outlets of the field, as well as in different book chapters and conference proceedings. She has co-edited two books. Her work has been awarded multiple top paper awards by the International Communication Association. In 2020, she was elected as the first communication scholar by the prestigious interdisciplinary young college (“Junges Kolleg”) of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts.