October 7th – Western Negev Artists Calendar

The October 7th horrific attack on southern Israel left the cities, villages and Kibutzim of the Western Negev area with tearing grief, loss and trauma. As the new Hebrew year starts in early October 2024, hbs Tel Aviv has partnered with Umm Culture’s House in Sderot, to produce a unique calendar, portraying, through art, the lives in these locales before and after the horrendous evets. All artworks were created by artists who live and work in the Western Negev area, providing a personal, symbolic interpretation of the local reality, as well as a space for reflection and rehabilitation.

Reading time: 2 minutes
October 2024 Calendar page, Heartbeats by Batia Holin

The October 7th horrific attack by Hamas on Israel’s Western Negev cities, villages and kibbutzim, left the local communities with trauma, grief and loss. Hundreds of men, women, children and elders were viciously raped and murdered at dawn, marking a new, unprecedented cycle resulting in a national and regional crisis. Still, dozens of hostages are held in Gaza by Hamas.

HBS Tel Aviv collaborated with the artists’ community of the Western Negev area, as they aspire to heal and rehabilitate. The result of the collaboration is a dedicated calendar, titled “Ben Hashmashot” (Between the Suns), presenting original artworks, documenting the time passing since the traumas of October 7th, along artists’ impressions before and after the attack.

The calendar can be purchased on Umm Culture’s House Association’s website. All revenues are directed to support original artistic work in the Western Negev, and promote art as a source of livelihood, entrepreneurship and community resilience, in emergencies and routine.

Cover page, Umm Culture Calendar
Cover page, Umm Culture Calendar